The Currency of TIME: Life's Most Precious Commodity.
Unlike other commodities, time can never be replenished again. Once it's gone. It's gone.
Ask yourself the question: "Is what I'm doing right now really worth my time?"
Everything is competing for your time. Your work, your family, your friends, your hobbies, the housework and of course content/social media that wants to be consumed by you!
We can't create more time out of thin air.
Interestingly, there are only 2 ways to to have more time to do the things that you want to do:
💌 Look for creative ways to be more productive,
💌 Reduce the amount of time that we waste away.
Our energy is finite, so there's only so much you can do to be more productive.
It's far easier to waste less time, than it is to become more productive.
We can't create more time out of thin air.
If you want to learn more about effective use of your most precious commodity, get onto @jamesclear New York Times Best Seller - Atomic Habits. It's a Game Changer!