Changing this belief system, changed everything for me.
I used to have a paradigm deeply ingrained in my psyche and it went like this -
“i’ll believe it when i see it”.
Sound familiar? I was telling myself that I could only believe something was possible for me, if there was PHYSICAL evidence in front of me.
I eventually worked out that this was a sure-fire way to keep myself trapped in a limiting belief system, destined to repeating the same kind of results in life as years gone by.
For me, I knew I wanted more than what I already had. This led me to study other people who I deemed to have the success that hadn’t shown up in my reality. I’d continuously be wondering – “How are they getting those results?”.
Then I came across the work of Wayne Dyer and my brain had an explosion! He was talking about how “successful people”, often people coming from challenging backgrounds, had a different belief system which went like this - “I’ll see it when I believe it”. It’s kind of embarrassing for me to admit, but it took me quite some time to wrap my head around what he was even talking about TBH!
But reading it over and over, I started to realise how powerful this was. It meant that success actually started as an INSIDE job. Not an OUTSIDE job. It meant that I wasn’t stuck with the results that were in my reality. It meant that my childhood conditions, didn’t need to predict my future conditions. How empowering to say the least!
It meant that if I started to put energy into imagining what I wanted, mixed with faith that it was possible, I would be many steps closer to bringing that to life.
I hope this fascinates you as much as it did for me. At 40 years of age, I’ve now built up enough evidence that this works. For me personally, but also for 100s of clients I’ve been lucky enough to work with.
Given you’ve read this far, my advice to you is to spend some time today creating an image of what it is that you want to SEE in your life. And start to play around with the BELIEF that, “I will see it, when I believe it”. Enjoy what comes as a result!
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