You Are Enough.
There are massive, multi-million dollar industries that want to keep feeding on your deep-seated belief of "I'm not good enough".
Advertising companies are well-aware of this incredibly common but unhelpful belief system. They know that people will purchase their products to help try to fill the void, or to make themselves feel better. It does the trick for a moment but it's only a surface level fix most of the time.
The incredible thing is though- we were all born enough! We were just convinced otherwise- most likely by other people who mistakenly thought that they weren't enough either! Imagine if we could keep raising awareness about the social conditioning around this core belief. That in actual fact we're all very much "enough" just the way we are!
Awareness (focussed attention) allows you to start questioning and tracing back where this core belief was initially influenced for you. It then gives you the opportunity to start asking yourself - what would happen if I started to emulate the "I am enough" story instead?!
Rather than feeling like an imposter who is soon to be exposed, and rather than avoiding the expression of your innate talents, you start to step into your "enoughness"...what would that be like for you? How might you start to think and behave differently? Are you willing to start experimenting with this? Even if it feels foreign for a while?
If you'd like to delve deeper get a hold of @marisapeertherapy book "I Am Enough -Mark your mirror and change your life"
Please save this post, journal it, keep it in your wallet, write it on your mirror with lipstick. I'll be interested to hear how you go with it!